
Various technological software

In geology‒related services, JOE analyzes geological and geophysical data, evaluates various reservoir parameters and calculates an original oil/gas in place using commercial software such as SLB’s Petrel. We also construct and/or evaluate geological models and reservoir models applying geostatistical methods. In addition, we conduct seismic data interpretation using OpendTect of dGB Earth Sciences.

Various technological software

In reservoir simulation‒related services, there is a wide variety of reservoir simulation models such as black-oil, compositional, natural fracture, thermal and chemical model. The appropriate model should be selected depending on the reservoir characteristics, fluid properties and production techniques. By using the best model for target field, we can perform history matching of the production history (observation data of oil and gas) and forecast the future production profile. For general oil and gas reservoirs, we use IMEX/GEM/STARS of Computer Modelling Group Ltd (CMG), ECLIPSE of SLB, Nexus/VIP of Halliburton | Landmark and tNavigator of Rock Flow Dynamics. We also use CMG's GEM and TOUGH of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in the evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Capture & Storage (CCS), which can take into account of mineral reactions between injected CO2 and the formation water.

JOE fully utilizes Aspen HYSYS® process simulator capabilities to develop simulation models of new and existing processing facilities and estimate solutions for facility bottlenecks. Along with process simulation model establishment, we estimate costs by using Aspen Process Economic Analyzer and Aspen Capital Cost Estimator in the stages of conceptual and basic design phase.

We also utilize PIPESIM licensed by Schlumberger to perform the calculation of gas lift operation performance, production history matching of producer/injector wells, and pipeline flow simulation.

JOE, as the sole user in Japan, utilize OGM (Oil & Gas Manager) licensed by SIEMENS for cost estimation of oil and gas field development in onshore/offshore in every region. In addition, we may use an engineering software, OLI as needed, which is a corrosion and scaling simulation program, to prevent and minimize corrosion/scaling that occur during oil and gas production.

Besides these, we utilize a wide array of software such as computational drawing software AutoCAD and AutoCAD PLANT 3D, pipe stress analysis software Auto PIPE as software of plant design and construction, electrical system analysis software ETAP power simulator, safety measures visualization software BowTieXP Standard, among others.


Products Manufacturer Description
ECLIPSE SLB(Schlumberger) Reservoir simulator (black oil, multi-component systems)
Petrel SLB(Schlumberger) Reservoir modeling integrated analysis software
Techlog SLB(Schlumberger) Physical log analysis software
IMEX Computer Modelling Group 3 Phase black oil reservoir simulator
GEM Computer Modelling Group Compositional and unconventional oil and gas reservoir simulator
STARS Computer Modelling Group Thermal and advanced processes reservoir simulator
WINPROP Computer Modelling Group Phase behavior analysis and reservoir fluid properties modeling software
CMOST Computer Modelling Group Sensitivity analysis, history matching, optimization, uncertainty analysis tools
Nexus Halliburton | Landmark Reservoir simulator (black oil, multi-component systems)
TOUGH Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Reservoir simulator (heat flow, multiphase flow, chemical reaction)
Saphir KAPPA Engineering SA Well testing analysis software
ECHELON Stone Ridge Technology GPGPU based reservoir simulator
PROSPER Petroleum Experts Ltd. Multiphase well and pipeline nodal analysis software
MAPe Nagoo & Associates Analytical multiphase pipe flow model
S3GRAF Reservoir simulation post processing software package
tNavigator Rock Flow Dynamics ・Reservoir simulator (black oil, compositional, thermal)
・Assisted history matching and uncertainty analysis
・Geological modeling package
・PVT and EOS modeling software package
・Well and pipeline nodal analysis software (separately or fully-coupled with subsurface model)
OpendTect dGB Earth Sciences Seismic Analysis Software


Products Provider Description
aspenONE® Engineering AspenTech Process modeling analysis and design suite including
(Material and heat balance calculation, pipe network calculation, and process dynamic simulation, cost estimation tools, heat exchanger design tools, etc.)
PIPESIM SLB(Schlumberger) Fluid flow performance analysis
(Calculate pressure/temperature profile and flow conditions by fluid properties, pipe size and ambient condition)
AutoCAD LT Autodesk Computer-Aided Drawing software
AutoCAD Plant 3D Autodesk Plant 3D CAD software
AutoPIPE Bentley Piping stress analysis software
OLI Engine OLI Corrosion/electrolyte/scaling simulator
(Corrosion rate and scale formation in the equipment is estimated through electrolyte equilibrium calculation based on fluid properties and composition)
ETAP Power
Operation Technology Electric System Analysis
BowTieXP Standard CGE Risk Management Solutions Mapping of potential risk and safety measures for risk management
(Oil & Gas Manager)
SIEMENS Cost estimation for oil and gas development projects
(Estimate the investment costs by produced fluid characteristics, process requirements, and product delivery conditions)