Field experiences

Reservoir engineering-related lecture and training

2013, 2014, 2015

This training course is designed for new employees of Japanese oil and gas development companies by the client. Participants broadly and specifically learn how to develop oil and gas fields both in lectures and exercises. We taught courses in "The Basics of Petroleum Engineering: Reservoir Simulation (general course)", "The Properties and the Phase Behaviors of Petroleum Fluids", “Material balance” and "Reservoir Simulation (technical course)". The above four lectures are mainly based on "Reservoir Engineering" which is greatly utilized in inferring flows and phase behaviors of reservoir fluids in underground formations where we cannot observed them directly. Lectures focus on deeply understanding theories of reservoir engineering, which is greatly helpful in solving real problems with complexities and uncertainties.

On the other hand, participants have a chance to use various kinds of software which most reservoir engineers actually use in everyday work. Moreover, in the lecture of "Reservoir Simulation (technical course)", they make their own computer program which simulates flows of reservoir fluids in formations. Through this process, they can learn how the knowledge and techniques of reservoir engineering are reproduced in a simulation software. In practice, technically confirmed commercial simulators are commonly used and they give us simulation results with high reliability. However, both interpretation and evaluation of the results must be done by engineers. Also, when simulating complex problems, there would be a chance to encounter various problems due to numerical difficulties. Experiences of coding simulators could have an important role in resolving such a problem.
This project shows that our client recognizes that we have a lot of experiences of making simulators and have been utilizing commercial simulators for a long time based on wide and deep understanding of theories and techniques in reservoir engineering.

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